Defeated by Satan turned God into Men

As the spiritual main agent of Adam and Eve was God, Adam and Eve were God in the Kingdom of God. Therefore man was originally God. However, after Satan won over God, the spiritual main agent of Adam and Eve switched to Satan. That changes in spirit triggered the changes in body, it turned the body of Light into the body of materiel which composes man and current universe.

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Eve Victor

By the order from spiritual mother, Eve-Victor enter the Milsil -meaning ‘secret chamber’- where she served 18 years until successfully bringing up a Adam-Victor in 15 Oct 1980. There was no house no food nothing, but sky, earth, rocks, stream and bush. She kept her life of prayer in such troubled condition, and acquired divine ability to read other’s mind. As a spiritual trainer, she pointed out spiritually committing sins.

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Laughing is the natural cancer cure

If man laugh, it cures deadly illness. If you live with cancer, try laugh in front of a mirror everyday. For people living with arthritis walk backward from today. Opposite way of living means that if I want to eat meat, eat lettuce. It is a living against what I want, so if I hate someone, like him sincerely, love him sincerely.

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Criterion of heresy is the Ten Commandments

Is the name Jesus that of God’s? It is other’s name, isn’t it? To believe in with calling other name rather than God’s name have broken the Ten Commandments. If it breaks the Ten Commandments, it is heresy. The motive of the Reformation was secret sexual relationship between priests and nuns generates such a pitiable scenes of abortions, from the most pitiful sight of abortion in toilets Martin Luther had initiated the Reformation.

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Spiritual Training in Milsil

Cho Hee-seung entered Milsil(means ‘secret chamber’) in order to obey spiritual mother’s order. First mission was not to think about the past as thinking about the past was committing adultery sins of looking back. Cho went through such spiritual training under Victor Eve’s coaching. After all when Victor had overcome Cho’s spirit of self, Victor Eve announced that Cho became Victor in front of about 30 people in Milsil.

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