Defeated by Satan turned God into Men
script: The changes in spirit triggered the changes in body, God became Men
About 6,000 years ago, God had occupied whole universe and ruled it over.
God at that time governed the universe in a form of Light before Satan led astray Adam and Eve who were God.
Satan imprisoned the spirit of God which was controlling Adam and Eve, and the spirit of Satan took the place where God set. Satan became the main agent, while God imprisoned.
The spiritual cataclysm turned God into man.
Without knowing the truth people wrote a myth saying God created man from dust in the Bible. But that is in fact Satan hide real God, and wrote it’s version of saying God created man from dust in the Bible.
So now a day Christianity wrote their version of saying Creator God created man from dust in the Bible.
Satan will face the end of its world
However, Messiah has come for the first time in 6,000 years, teaches new words that man was originally God, but on that instant God was taken over by Satan and Satan became the main agent, God was transformed into human being.
So far, Satan had occupied men which were children of God and been ruling over. But now Messiah has come and teaches true nature of Satan correctly. Saying that God became man on the instance of the spiritual main agent of Adam and Eve who were God switched to Satan. Does it fluster Satan or not? It does fluster Satan, right?
Although Satan has been caught short, It is short of ability and power enough to overcome Victor Christ. There is nothing more Satan could do, isn’t it?
So far Satan had been ruling the world sitting on the position of the main agent. But now Satan doomed to find nothing but the end of the world.
So did Messiah show that It was omniscience and omnipotence to you, or it did not? Messiah showed it to you, didn’t it?
So, now a day Satan has nothing to deal with God, hasn’t it?
Due to God has become much stronger than Satan, Victor Christ who has overcome as a King is ruling over the universe.
Could Satan be able to beat God again? Not any more.