How to read Bible

God won’t ask you believe disjointed lies in the bible blindly, but it has a words how to read Bible. The secret of God’s six days of work, the Sabbath, the Forbidden Fruit and the Fruit of Life are explained.

Script: How to read Bible

How to read Bible

You have to read words from God. Due to Bible also have words from Satan.

The Bible has a words how to read the Bible. Isaiah 34:16 Look in the scroll of the Load and read, None of these will be missing, not one will lack her mate.

So, those words from God must have its mate, don’t they? Then, whose words are they that lack its mate? Those words are from Satan, aren’t they?

In the book of Genesis A writing says that God worked for six days and rested at seventh day, don’t it?

People so far translates it into Sunday is the Sabbath, Saturday is the Sabbath. They set the Sabbath as different as there translation, and regard one day as the Sabbath, don’t they?


Do not harden your hearts hearing new words

How to read the BibleHowever, according to the book of Hebrews chapter 4, verses 5, 6, 7 and 11. It says There are people who shall join the day of God, and also there are people who shall never join the day of God. When that day comes, if you hear his voice, people with harden hearts shall not understand it, but people with humble and gentle hearts shall understand it. Bible has words of such meaning, hasn’t it?

So, The meaning that some people shall join the day of God’s resting, while others never is that the Sabbath would be the year of 7000’s.

Throughout earlier years before 7000, people who lived and died never joined the Sabbath, didn’t they? It that right or wrong?

So, only blessed people shall understand his voice, while people lacking in bless shall never understand his voice.

So, ‘his voice’ indicates those words spoken by Victor Christ, doesn’t it?

Blessed people could be able to figure out words from Victor Christ. But those lacking in bless shall never make the new words out, don’t they?

The world have been dealing with those words saying God worked six days before getting rest on seventh day as Sunday is the day of Sabbath or Saturday is the day of Sabbath. they set one day as the day of Sabbath and have been keeping it.

Ordinary christian church set Sunday for the day of Sabbath, while seventh-day adventist church set Saturday for the Sabbath, don’t they?Are both of them right or wrong? Both of them are wrong, aren’t they?


The resting day of God in accordance with Bible

How to read Bible

Words from God have its mate, gather them together

So, As those words from God have her mates we have to find her mate, don’t we?

The book of 2 Peter chapter 3 verse 8, With the Load a day is like a thousand years and a thousands years are like a day.

Such words is written there, isn’t it? When we gather them together, six days of work means six thousands year, don’t it?

The seventh day means year 7000’s, don’t it? So, in the year of 7000’s the world of God will be completed. Do you understand?

The world of Satan has been rolling for 6000 years. Is that possible to switch from the world of Satan to the world of God in a day?

It cannot be changed in a day. So, over 1000 years from the advent of Victor Christ who destroys Satan all over the world before the world of God begins. Do you understand?

So, people following Victor Christ shall live 1000 years with Victor Christ to build the world of God, won’t you?

So, are they becoming pillars in the temple of God, or becoming rafters in the temple of God?

They will be pillars. So, when you people become Victor Christ, the place where the person who has become Victor Christ lives will be the temple of God, Is that right or wrong?

So, starting from one Victor Christ, numerous Victor Christ will be brought up or not?

Numerous Victor Christ will be brought up, right? By making numerous Victor Christ makes numerous temples of God, right? Is that right or wrong?


Bible is a spiritual book

How to read Bible

Words in Bible are spiritual. You can’t translate them physically.

So, when you carefully look in the Bible and read, are words in the Bible spiritual words or physical one? Words in Bible are spiritual words, right?

As they are spiritual, is the Forbidden Fruit spiritual or physical? It must be a spiritual fruit, isn’t it?

so is the Fruit of Life, isn’t it? So, the Forbidden Fruit must be spirit, but Is it spirit of death or spirit of life?

Is spirit of death the spirit of Satan or the spirit of God? It is the spirit of Satan, isn’t it?

So, The fact that Satan itself is the Forbidden Fruit does Christianity know that or don’t? Without knowing even this fact they claim they believe as Bible says, don’t they?

So, Is Christianity a heresy or genuine ? Christianity is a heresy, ins’t it? As the religion do not believe in accordance with Bible, it is heresy.

So, about the Fruit of Life, what would be the Fruit of Life, the spirit that Victor Christ has is the Fruit of Life.

So, when you behold Victor Christ, you are said to have eaten the Fruit of Life.

Beholding the Victor Christ to eat the Fruit of Life, and you shall die or not die? Not die, don’t you?

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