Principles of Salvation

These are the same words. Faith will save you, eating the fruit of the tree of life will do the same, and also being born again of the Holy Spirit. If one born again of the Holy Spirit, the one born again as God. To be born again of the Holy Spirit, one has to overcome the Satan sitting in the sinner and after killing the Satan, the victorious spirit of God takes back the seat where Satan used to sit and start to rule the one.

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The Forbidden Fruit is the Sins the Satan

The writer of Genesis said that God made the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But it was not the case. If God had made the Forbidden Fruit, he would know that Adam and Eve would eat it, for he was omniscient and omnipotent. The Bible says that the serpent tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. The snake symbolises Satan, and the Forbidden Fruit signifies Satan’s heart. But Satan and Satan’s heart are the same things.

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Nature of the forbidden fruit

Due to eating the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve did not come to know good and evil at the same time, they came to know evil more. That is, the forbidden fruit is the mind that enables one to know evil over good more. The mind that knows evil is an evil mind, an evil mind is the spirit of Satan. Therefore, the forbidden fruit is Satan. From that time, the forbidden fruit, Satan, became the controlling spirit that rules humans.

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